Rural Health Group is a federally qualified community health center (FQHC).  An FQHC is a federal designation given by the Bureau of Primary Health Care at the federal Department of Health and Human Services. FQHCs are either located in, or serve, a federally designated medically underserved area/population. All FQHCs must operate under a consumer Board of Directors governance structure, and provide comprehensive evidence-based primary health care, dental, and mental health/substance abuse services to persons in all stages of the life cycle. The Federally Supported Health Centers Assistance Act of 1992 and 1995 granted medical malpractice liability protection through the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) to HRSA-supported health centers. Rural Health Group is an FTCA Deemed Agency.  RHG consists of 17 medical locations, 3 dental locations, and 3 in-house pharmacies.  Our service area covers 5 counties in northeastern NC (Halifax, Northampton, Edgecombe, Warren, and Vance).


It is our mission to offer highest quality healthcare to all in Northeastern North Carolina in a culturally sensitive, respectful manner with a special emphasis on reaching the underserved.


Nuestra misión es ofrecer atención médica de la más alta calidad a todos en el noreste de Carolina del Norte de una manera culturalmente sensible y respetuosa con un énfasis especial en llegar a los desatendidos.


First choice for quality healthcare, where all are valued, respected and appreciated.


Primera opción para una atención médica de calidad, donde todos son valorados, respetados y apreciados.


Rural Health Group, Inc. is a non-profit Federally Qualified Health Center (also known as a Community Health Center) dedicated to providing primary medical, dental, OB/GYN, behavioral health care, and many other supporting services to the underserved citizens of our service area.  The health center grew out of a community collaboration of concerned citizens to provide low cost and/or free health care services to the people of Northampton County.  Over the years our service area has grown to cover 5 counties in northeastern North Carolina.

In the Early 1970s, physicians in Northampton County were getting older, and younger physicians were not moving into the county to replace them.  At the time there were only 2 practicing physicians in western Northampton County.  Both were in their 60s and saw a limited number of patients.  Melvin Broadnax, William Spivey, Jasper Eley, Jack Faison, and other community leaders saw the need to work together to secure medical care for the future of their county.  As a result of their efforts, Northampton Medical was established in 1976.  In June 1978 the practice joined with Haliwa Health Center (incorporated as Twin County Rural Health), Lake Gaston Medical Clinic, Roanoke Rapids Family Practice, and Rich Square Medical Clinic to form Roanoke Amaranth Community Health Group.  Roanoke Amaranth selected a managing partner, merged its practices, and was incorporated as Rural Health Group on January 14, 1985.

As the community’s only safety net clinic, our responsibility to the growing number of uninsured in our community is immense.  We are the insurance plan for the region’s poor.

  • No one is ever refused service because of the inability to pay (“inability to pay” is explicitly defined as those patients with an annual income of 200% and below the federal poverty level).
  • All of our services are offered on a sliding fee scale based upon income and family size.
  • Almost 40,000 people have received care at Rural Health Group, Inc.

Awards and Recognition

Board of Directors:

Rural Health Group Board of Directors ensures our mission of providing highest quality healthcare to all in Northeastern North Carolina in a culturally sensitive, respectful manner with a special emphasis on reaching the underserved.  The Board of Directors consists of dedicated individuals who volunteer their time and energy and provides oversight that benefits the care of our patients from a healthcare quality and financial perspective.  The majority (51%) of our Directors are also our patients and are required to meet monthly.  The Board of Directors reflects the many interests, issues, and concerns of the surrounding communities.


Sara Council

Board Member


Kysha Gary

Board Member


Audrey Hardy

Board Member


Mable Johnson

Board Member


Clyde Johnston

Board Chair


Krystian Latham

Board Member


Lutricia Lewis

Board Treasurer


Lidia Martinez

Board Member


Jimille Mills

Board Member


Wilhelmena Herritage Mitchell

Board Vice-Chair


Ella Green Viverette

Board Member


Chester Williams

Board Member


Gary Wingfield

Board Member

You can make a Difference!

Rural Health Group is currently accepting and reviewing applications.

  • A passion for the Rural Health Group mission
  • 1-2 hours per month for meetings and training
  • Hold a position on one of the committees (Strategic Planning/Quality Improvement/Nominating/Personnel/By-Laws/Finance/Executive)

If you are interested in learning more about Rural Health Group’s Board of Directors, please contact Toshia Lockerman at (252) 536-5440.

To leave a message for the board you can email them at or send a letter to PO Box 640, Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870.

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